About us
Wiga Project Group is a private company, which deals with designing, engineering and consulting of investment projects in the area of municipal infrastructure.
The dominant area of their work is related to solving problems of water supply, collection and evacuation of municipal wastewater. A special area that the company deals with is related to the wastewater treatment plants, as well as environmental protection.
The company was founded in 2006. and its founder and owner is Miroljub Gaon, a graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering/Hydrotechnics Department. In his over 30 years long practice he has designed and made a large number of systems in the field of water supply, sewerage, water protection and facilities for the purification of municipal and industrial wastewater and water treatment plants. He has been initiator of activities concerning problems of municipal infrastructure for many years. In his work, as a responsible design and project engineer, he has done several dozens of projects related to this issue. This helped him to win professional recognition, participation in important projects and engagement in the Engineering Chamber of Serbia, where he is the president of the Court of Honour.
Today, through the family company Wiga Project Group, he is transfering his rich experience and knowledge to his son and daughter in law, both graduates of the Faculty of Civil Engineering/Hydrotechnics Department.
The main activity of the company is designing. Besides making technical documentation from General designs to Preliminary, Main and construction designs in the field of municipal infrastructure, the company also makes tenders (for the needs of assessing investment value as well as for the purposes of performing work) and it does technical control over project documentation. Wiga Project Group provides full service of designing both external infrastructure and internal installation of water supply, sewage systems and fire-protection (hydrant network and sprinkler network).
It is important that in this period the process of engineering has been realized successfully: main water pipeline in the length of 3.0 km for water supply of Ljig is finished, and at the moment we are working on the water supply of one part of the Municipality of Malo Crniće at the wellspring Batuša, as well as on the water supply of one part of the Municipality of Žitorađa.
Simultaneously with design activities, thanks to acquaintance with the procedures for obtainig the necessary compliances and permissions, above all, Water and Sanitation Permissions, as well as the process of applying for providing funds, Wiga Project Group has been very successfully implementing consulting activities for the needs of our investors, mainly municipalities. This enabled almost all projects municipalities applied with to be approved by the Ministries of the Republic.
The company has 8 employees, of which 6 are graduates of the Faculty of Civil Engineering/Hydrotechnics Department. We managed to join experience with the youthful enthusiasm in a way that has contributed to their successful dealing with competition in all fields of their activities.
Wiga Project Group has a Great license of the Republic of Serbia and of the Republic of Montenegro, which allows to design and perform work in the areas for settlements and areas of special importance for the Republic and cities over 100,000 inhabitants, and responsible project engineers have the licenses of Engineering Chamber of Montenegro, in addition to their licenses of Engineering Chamber of Serbia.
WIGA Group
Within group, Wiga Project Group works with partners, with which we have successful business relationship in the field of designing and performing works. Thanks to our joint performance all the necessary professions are provided for the implementation of appropriate works from architecture, hydrogeology and geology, traffic and electrical, mechanical, geodetic professions to the construction and mounting works.
From foundation until today, gross realization increased more than 8 times, and net income almost 12 times, which enables obtaining bank guarantees for participation in public tenders that are organized by the National Investment Plan.
The basic motto of Wiga Project Group is: "With us, from idea to realization."
We are open to all forms of cooperation and we are always ready to carry out your ideas in the best way possible and with full responsibility and guarantee of quality.
Yours faithfully,
Wiga Project Group
General Manager
Miroljub Gaon, civil engineer